A lot of people ask me “What’s my religion?”
Transforming the world | Baha’i House of Worship | [Elevated & Meaningful]
In this video, Jennifer and I went to the Baha’i House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois for a weekend of consultation and discussing what each part of the Heartland region is learning about the process of growth in the neighbourhoods and cities.
Music by: Joakim Karud | Waves
Drone shot by: MY PERSPECTIVE by Benjamin
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Talking about Bicentenary of Baha’u’llah’s Birth | [Elevated & Meaningful]
Here I am with Bette a local Baha’i from Saint Cloud Minnesota. Bette is sharing what she feels is the significance of Baha’u’llah’s 200 year anniversary of His Birth, and some of His fundamental teachings.
Please share some comments down below, what you and your community is doing to prepare for the Bicentenary coming up soon!
Baha’u’llah’s 200th Birth and Recent Charlottesville Incident (2017)
Baha’is all over the world are about to celebrate one of the most auspicious days of their cherished Faith. October of 2017 signalizes the 200th year anniversary of the birth of the Founder of their precious Faith, Baha’u’llah. He announced, roughly 150 years ago, that the Divine-will for today is the oneness of humanity and unity of all religions, races and people. If the world’s religious leaders and kings, such as Pope Pius IX, Napoleon III and Naser al-Din Shah, had listened to Baha’u’llah’s counsels He gave in scores upon scores of letters, then bigotry, racism and utter hatred among people today would have ceased to exist.
A Message to Iran and the World | Naw-Ruz | Baha’i Faith | [Elevated & Meaningful]
My message of hope to Iran’s glorious future!
Link for Baha’u’llah’s Book and the chapter I referred to in the video
Song from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y98H7xPlbsQ&index=2&list=RDNO8OHHxIyZA
Interfaith Gathering UC Davis | Mosque Vandalized | [Elevated & Meaningful]
Last Sunday some people decided to disrespect the beautiful blue Mosque, the Islamic House of Worship here in Davis California which is right across the UC Davis campus on Russell Blvd. The individuals who vandalised the place shattered a few of its doors on the right side of the Mosque and the back doors which are made of glass. A lady was recorded on surveillance camera putting bacon on the glass door handles and they had also flattened a few if not all bikes that were locked in sight.
Due to this tragic situation, in less than a few days the Muslim community asked for the neighbouring faiths such as the Christian and Jewish communities to come together for a united effort to pray together and stop any forms of prejudice.
All kinds of people were there from all over the world and it was a very beautiful gathering, akin to the kind of community and world we will eventually have in the near future!
I hope you enjoy this video, please share this so all can see and benefit from and leave any comments you may have down below:
Whithe – Garcion
Panthurr – I Love U
Consumer Culture | [Elevated & Meaningful]
I had a thought about the way we live our lives here in the USA. I wanted to talk about the culture of consumerism and the attachment to material things. I thought this could open the way for further questioning and thinking about this topic so that we become aware to not get worse.
Check out my other videos on various topics having to do with important things I think we should be talking about and thinking about!
Song by:
Whithe – Garcion
Secret Plaque | UC Davis | [Elevated & Meaningful]
I found a secret Plaque with Baha’i Writings on it! Watch the video to see what it says!
The quote from Baha’u’llah could be found here under the link below:
Song by panthurr – i love u
almost Accompaniment | [Elevated & Meaningful]
This video is not representative of the totality of what accompaniment looks like, it’s just a few friends dedicated in their local neighbourhoods who have gathered to discuss what they have so far learned and how we can keep on learning and growing our communities. That’s why I didn’t allow a full discussion to be in this video, rather my video is to merely show that such conversations are taking place in this dark age of the world, that there are individuals who exist that are committed to building up a new “Divine Civilization” as envisioned by Baha’u’llah (The Blessed Beauty).
Song by A Himitsu – Astray feat. Madi Larson
Amazing Photos of Animals | [Elevated & Meaningful]
Woodland California is a pretty cool city, there is a historical feeling to it. Definitely, it has a heritage I have yet to learn about. But I guess it is a “City of Trees”. This evening I and some of my friends decided to go to the Art Walk and meet Lynda Goff. Check her website out and her artwork. Click here to see more: http://www.lyndagoffphotography.com/
Song dyalla – Only, Mr. Optimistic and She’s Right Here