200 Year Anniversary

To support Elika Mahony’s new album “The Exalted One” | Kickstarter Campaign

Hello everyone.

This video is dedicated to a wonderful Baha’i artist Elika Mahony and her new Kickstarter Campaign for her new album entitled “The Exalted One” that was launched. The album is celebrating the upcoming 200 year Birth of the Bab in 2019.

Please go to this website to help pledge and make this album a reality:


Learn more about Elika Mahony and her previous albums:


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Twitter: @SarvMithaq
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ElevatedMeaningful
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Google+: +SarvMithaqiyan

Talking about Bicentenary of Baha’u’llah’s Birth | [Elevated & Meaningful]

Here I am with Bette a local Baha’i from Saint Cloud Minnesota. Bette is sharing what she feels is the significance of Baha’u’llah’s 200 year anniversary of His Birth, and some of His fundamental teachings.

Please share some comments down below, what you and your community is doing to prepare for the Bicentenary coming up soon!