New Zealand’s National event commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the unjust and cruel execution of ten Iranian women for the crime of being members of the Baha’i Faith in Iran. →
Words & Music by Jim Seals and Tom Price The Czech National Symphony Orchestra With the Grand Rapids Bahá’í Children’s Choir Singers: Gigi Price (solo age 6), Ellie Hampton, Lucas →
Ridván Message (April 20) 2021 from the Universal House of Justice to the Baha’is of the world. Read & Listen: This message is spoken, along with synchronized text displayed on →
On this day in 1863, the world’s newest independent faith was born in a beautiful rose filled garden known as the Garden of Ridvan (pronounced: rez-vahn). Every year Baha’is around →
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video, I truly hope that you enjoyed it, and will check out my other videos. The views expressed do not necessarily →
This is a new expansion on the channel, where I hope to help teach the Baha’i faith! Today’s video is on the Ridvan Festival! Thank you for taking the time →
Well here it is, a little informational video on myself, and my journey through the Baha’i Faith! Thank you for taking the time to watch this video, I truly hope →
Hosted on 10 April 2020, this service was dedicated to the arrival of Clara and Hyde Dunn to Australia and their efforts in establishing the Baha’i Community in this country. →
Today we are interviewing Liesl and learning about her journey through the Baha’i Faith! Thank you for taking the time to watch this video, I truly hope that you enjoyed →