Music composed and produced by Ali Youssefi
Text from the Bahá’í Sacred writings
“Unite and bind together the hearts, join in accord all the souls.
Oh Lord! Make these faces radiant through the light of Thy oneness”
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Mastered by Ivan Mihoci
Video produced by Ivan Mihoci and Ali Youssefi
Special thanks to Mike Gannon, Ivan Mihoci for their tireless support, and to all the wonderful singers, without whose support this song would not be what it is.
Michael Gannon: Slide guitar, Bass
Jonathan Bryan: Flute
Nobuya Yamaguchi: Steel drum
Afshin Toufighian: Piano
Benjamin Ables
Kristen Ables
Zachary Ables
Nicholas Ables
Sara Azimi
Maryam Azimi
Elijah Christopher-Green
Leila Christopher-Green
Melissa Christopher-Green
Aleksandar Cveta- Cvetanovski
Katharine Day
Katie Eckert
Melani Fedri
Michael Gannon
Carolyne Gardner
Kamran Grasselli
Nahoko Hata
Saba Jordan
Daniel Kemp
Katharine Key
Alexander Kruszewski
Borghild Kveim
Glenn Loe
Alex Mahally
Elika Mahony
Tina Majongwe
Sanam Milani
Sheyda Peyman
Ella Piknjac
Katy Porray
Bayan Rasooly
Sohayla Reimer
Hannah Reimer
Alia Reimer
Katharina Reyhani
Charles Sawka
Linda Sawka
Asal Sinanović
Dania Tanović
Livina Tanović
Gustave Wayenece
Truba Wayenece
Amelia Youssefi
Nasim Youssefi