Music: Arlen Yanch
Vocals: Jeff Caverly
Album: Facing East
Mixed and mastered by Dan Cherkas
Dedicated to the memory of Joseph Sheppherd.
Music: Arlen Yanch
Vocals: Jeff Caverly
Album: Facing East
Mixed and mastered by Dan Cherkas
Dedicated to the memory of Joseph Sheppherd.
From the album Year of the Nightingale
Words from the Bahá’í Writings
Music produced & mixed by Kelly Snook and Luke Slott
Song composed by Luke Slott
Song recorded & engineered by Kelly Snook
Video filmed, directed & edited by Antimo Kelly Puca at AP Studios Dublin
Drone footage by Kirk Watson at Perfect View Productions
O SON OF MAN! My calamity is My providence, outwardly it is fire and vengeance, but inwardly it is light and mercy. Hasten thereunto that thou mayest become an eternal light and an immortal spirit. This is My command unto thee, do thou observe it.
O SOHN DES MENSCHEN! Mein Trübsal ist meine Vorsehung. Äußerlich ist sie Feuer und Züchtigung, zuinnerst aber Licht und Gnade. Eile ihr entgegen, auf daß du ein ewiges Licht und ein unsterblicher Geist werdest. Dies ist mein Gebot an dich, beachte es!
– Bahá’u’lláh
– Put to music by Mica Smith & Nadine Reyhani
Learn More about the Album Release at…
O Son of Being! Thy Paradise is My love; thy heavenly home, reunion with Me. Enter therein and tarry not. This is that which hath been destined for thee in Our kingdom above and Our exalted dominion.
– From The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, Part 1, No 6
Produced and Mixed by Kelly Snook and Luke Slott
Song Composed by Luke Slott
Music Composed and Arranged by Luke Slott and Kelly Snook
Recorded and Engineered by Kelly Snook at:
It’s Not Rocket Science Studios, Lewes, Sussex, UK
Additional recording by:
Paul Finan at An Croí, Wicklow, Ireland
Pete Min at Lucy’s Meat Market, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Mastered by Mandy Parnell
at Black Saloon Studios, London, UK
Assistant Mastering Engineer: Hal Robinson
(in order of appearance)
Luke Slott – Acoustic Guitar, Rhodes, Vocals, Trumpet
Diane Badie – Vocals
Kelly Snook – Layering
Vyvienne Long – Cello